This update was released on July 22, 2016. Read the official news post.
This was the last update ever before the developer got fired
The changes are as follows:
- Fixed several issues where battery functionality at 0% was causing components to think that they could still work (caused hazard and horrible engine sound bugs).
- Fixed passport being broken after crossing the first border.
- Fixed a lack of collisions on the Germany to CSFR border tunnels.
- Uncle should no longer complain if the radio is too loud.
- Rain Audio should no longer continue into sunny days.
- Fixed a decal still having debug text present.
- Using the scrapyard engine no longer destroys components but instead uses 1 lt fuel, and 10% battery charge.
- Scrapyard engine gates now better displays information regarding what is wrong with the gate engine.
- No more tiny tyres on abandoned cars.
- Scrapyard items no longer mess up engine components in the car.
- Fixed some interaction issues between removing a component from its holder and placing it down too quickly.
- Fixed inventory save/load issue: Inventory wasn't clearing the recorded data for the country you purchased a tradeable good in, so when swapping that out with another item (I.e a bottle of water) it would try to assign a country ID to it and get stuck.