Jalopy Wikia

When a policy makes reference to local staff, it means users who have higher permissions than normal users only on the Jalopy wiki. These users are trusted and responsible enough to use their abilities for the betterment of the community. To learn more about what each group does, please read the user rights help page.

If you're here because you want to dispute a block that you received, you should try contacting an admin through their Community Central message wall. Otherwise, you can dispute notices and warnings on the message wall of the staff member who issued the penalty to you.

Many of the staff members listed below will have tags next to their names which represent their role. These tags can be seen on the recent changes list, on article comment sections, and on message walls. An example tag:?

Bureaucrats / Administrators[]

Admins and Bureaucrats should be contacted when you need to report someone, or when you need to dispute a block. They can issue notices, warnings or blocks. Displayed tag:A

  • RGeezy911 - (Administrator / Bureaucrat / Adopter)
  • Lachie084 - (Administrator / Bureaucrat / Founder) - INACTIVE

Content Moderators[]

Content mods should be contacted when you need to report someone, or to report persistent vandalism. They can issue notices and warnings. Displayed tag: GM

  • None yet!

Discussion Moderators[]

Discussion mods should be contacted when you need to report someone. They can issue notices. Displayed tag: DM

  • None yet!

Chat Moderators[]

Chat mods should be contacted when you need to report someone. They can issue notices. Displayed tag: CM

  • None yet!


Rollbackers should not be contacted when you need to report someone. Instead, please contact an administrator or any of the moderators.

  • None yet!

Former Staff[]

These are the people who were trusted with the permissions mentioned above, but are no longer a part of the staff. We appreciate the effort and hard work that each of them put into the community.

  • None.