Welcome to the Jalopy Wikia
Jalopy is an Indie Adventure Simulation game developed by Greg Pryjmachuk, and published by Excalibur Games. Jalopy is currently an Early Access Game on the Steam Store, and isn't having many updates anymore, as the developer has moved on to a different project. This wikia was created on April 25, 2016. It has 1 active users, and 3,310 edits. |
Version Information
The game is currently in: See the Version History |
How to Help
Since this wiki is about a developing game, the information found here can become outdated with each update to the game. This is where we need your help. The following pages will list articles in need of editing:
If you're a strong editor, you can visit the Special Pages and check for more issues there. If you're good at proofreading, we also ask you to please check over our articles for errors. If you've discovered new information about the game, you can create a new article about it here:
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